Thursday, September 5, 2013

Deadly Canine Virus in Ohio
Please share this notice!

Dr Forshey, the Ohio state veterinarian, confirmed that they are working on identifying the cause of death in several dogs. They suspect that it is a virus, possible Circo virus. This virus has not been found in dogs before. (It is commonly found commonly in pigs.)

They have sent tissue samples to UC Davis, which is the only lab that can identify the virus. Ohio State has already ruled out common causes like salmonella, parvovirus, campylobacter, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE).

He thinks they will have it figured out by Monday and will have a national news release. Ohio is the only state seeing it so far.

The important thing is that dog owners need to get their dog to the vet ASAP at the first sign of vomiting and bloody diarrhea. Dr Forshey indicated that most of the dogs are surviving if treated early. There is, of course, no vaccine available.
This illness may appear and be diagnoses as parvo--it appears to be dog-to dog or fecal contact to spread. If traveling through Ohio with your pet--DO NOT use pet exercise areas in rest areas, allow your dog to eat or drink after other dogs, or come in direct contact with other dogs.
Take extra care when traveling and take your pet immediately to a veterinarian if it develops bloody diarrhea or vomiting.
Catie C. Arney, KioKee Mastiffs